
When it comes to achieving that beautiful Hollywood smile, even the best whitening treatments won’t be a fraction as effective as veneers.

Veneers have become one of the most popular treatments for transforming a smile. A lot of patients ask if veneers are the right choice for them. Here are a few things you should know about veneers before making your decision!

What is a Dental Veneer?

A dental veneer is a thin shell that a dentist places over the surfaces of your teeth designed to correct dental issues such as chips or cracks, depleted tooth enamel, uneven tooth alignment or gap spacing, and tooth discoloration.

Composite vs Porcelain Veneers

Composite Veneers:

Composite veneers are the most popular and most common veneer option. They are typically recommended to repair cosmetic issues such as chipping or discoloration of natural teeth and can also be used for minor misalignments of teeth. They are permanent and less expensive than porcelain veneers.

Direct composite veneers, also known as composite bonding, are sculpted on your teeth rather than fabricated in a lab. The tooth-colored and shaped resin is hardened, using a high-intensity light, and applied until it obtains the desired cosmetic outcome.

  • Due to the lack of prep time, the treatment period is reasonably shorter compared to porcelain veneers and can be completed with a single dental visit.
  • The cost of composite veneers averages $250 to $1000 per tooth.
  • Their longevity is between 5 to 7 years with proper dental hygiene and maintenance.
What Does a Composite Veneer Procedure Entail?

Your dentist will first examine your natural teeth and roughen the surface of your tooth. Then a prepping solution will be placed on the treatment surface, making certain that the area is well cleaned and ready for the bonding material.

After the dentist selects the best shade match, he will place the composite resin over your tooth and sculpt it to the desired shape. Once you’re happy with the appearance, the dentist will place a special light over the area to harden and mend the material in place. Once finished, the resin is polished in order to obtain a more natural appearance.

Porcelain Veneers:

Porcelain veneers are one of the most popular aesthetic dental procedures that guarantee a significant cosmetic improvement to your smile. They can be twice as expensive but are worth the extra cost. Placing them on is like ending up with a different set of teeth altogether.

  • Unlike composite veneers, porcelain veneers take several dentist appointments to get done.
  • The cost of porcelain veneers averages $1000 to $3000 per tooth.
  • Their longevity is between 10 to 15 years with proper dental hygiene and maintenance.
  • Porcelain veneers are pretty resistant to everyday staining from cigarette smoking, tea, coffee, and red wine due to the strength of the material.
What Does a Porcelain Veneer Procedure Entail?

Due to its complexity, porcelain veneers are a multi-step treatment process. During the initial prepping step, your dentist will create room for the restorations to be placed over your teeth.

This entails reducing the front and edges of each tooth. A shade guide will be used to determine which color of porcelain matches closely to the teeth. An impression of your tooth and its surrounding teeth and gums will be taken. Some offices will use a 3-D camera to show a digital replica of your entire smile. The impressions or digital replicas is sent to a dental laboratory, along with specific design instructions such as color and size specifications, where your custom veneers are fabricated. It typically takes several weeks before the permanent veneers are ready. You may be given a temporary veneer to wear in the meantime.

Once your veneers are ready and they meet your expectations, the dentist will attach them with a permanent bonding agent.

Follow-up Appointment

Most dentists will want you to return to their office in about 7-14 days after the veneer procedure. It is important to examine how your gums have responded to your new composite or porcelain veneers.

Some people may notice hot and cold sensitivity to their veneered teeth. It is important to let your dentist know during this visit. While this sensation is common and should resolve on its own, your dentist may help to speed up the process.

Are Veneers Right For Me?

The only way to know whether a composite or porcelain veneer solution is right for you is to consult with your dentist about your cosmetic goals.

Regardless of which material option you choose, you can rest assured that Dr. Daitch will help you achieve a fantastic smile enhancement.

Ready to book an appointment? Call Dental Wellness on 847-537-7878 or click here to schedule a free consultation with Dr. Daitch.
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